Monday, June 1, 2009

Easter continued......

As promised, here are the rest of the Easter pictures.

Hunting for eggs. Yes, that is Peyton's tattered old blanket from Grandma Edwards.

Sydnie found one in the plant!

Ummm..... Can someone help me get this one???

Reading clues from the Easter Bunny to find our baskets.

That tricky rabbit left Peyton's basket in the front seat of the Volvo.

And Sydnie found hers in the dryer. I wish the Easter Bunny would have cleaned up while he was here.

Peyton's goods. She's trying to figure out how much she can eat at 7:00 am.

The girls insisted on having their pinwheels in the picture with their Easter dresses.

I asked them to put the pinwheels down for just one picture. Notice that Peyton still found a way to sneak hers into the shot, along with a little shoulder.... :-)

Easter wouldn't be complete without bubbles and Sydnie just couldn't wait to blow them. She had to come straight home from church and head outside in her Easter dress. Good thing both Sydnie and the dress are washable!

1 comment:

Dewerrett said...

Okay and yes, you are a throw-up blogger!