Monday, June 22, 2009

Swimming lessons

The girls second swimming lesson. Peyton towers over all the other kids. She is double the age of most of them. She is so proud that she was the only one that didn't cry out of the whole group.

Waiting for their turn.

Peyton and Jacob watching Sydnie practicing her BIG kicks.

More kicking for Sydnie with Miss Sarah.

Peyton getting instructions on how to lift her face out of the water when she needs a breath.

No pictures, please!!! Ok, it was really more like, DON'T take MY PICTURE!!!
She was trying to talk her way out of her next turn which was to go under water and pick up rings off the lower steps.

This was after the "under water" turn. She wasn't very happy after that one.

Peyton was the bravest in the class. She couldn't wait to jump off the diving board. She was the only one at this lesson that did it. However, Miss Sarah promises by the end of the 2 weeks of lessons all of the kids will be jumping off. We'll see if she's right about my little Sydnie. :-) Miss Sarah may have met her match.

Look out below, here she comes!!! Maybe we'll work on her form at the next lesson. :-)
The worst part was the poor class of kids after ours. Four of the five kids from our class were crying after the last exercise and the new class was a little terrified about what was about to happen to them. Ahhh, the joys of parenting! Sydnie is trying to convince me that she really doesn't need swimming lessons. I'm trying to convince her that she does and we'll be going back on Wednesday. I guess we'll see who wins this battle in a couple of days.

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