Monday, May 11, 2009

Coloring Easter eggs

We have a family tradition of coloring Easter eggs the Saturday before Easter. Well, this year with moving and trying to get organized I was not as prepared as I usually am. I had to go to three stores that morning to find dye for the eggs. Luckily Safeway still had some and they saved the day!!!

We love coloring eggs, but what do we do with them after? Well, Jeff and I had several egg sandwiches over the next week. :-)

As you can see, Sydnie was a little quicker than her sister.

Peyton likes to take her time and make sure her eggs are perfect.

Oh man, she just dropped one, KERPLUNK into the purple!!

Sydnie drawing designs on her eggs.

Sydnie's finished project all nice and neat in the egg tray Grandma Judy brought in March (or was it the Spring Fairy??).

Peyton adding the finishing touches, a few little stickers.

We've recently moved into a new community and every year they hold a big Easter egg hunt for the kids. This year it rained and rained the whole night before the hunt, so it had to be moved inside the gym. There were also lots of inflatable bounce houses and slides. The girls loved this!!

This was Peyton's age group having their hunt or "dive" for the eggs. That's Peyton's little red head and brown jacket on the bottom of the picture.

This is what it looked like before we turned the kids loose.

This was Sydnie's age group. It was a little more chaotic. I'm not sure where she ended up in the crowd, but she came back with lots of eggs!

Setting up for the 3-5 year old hunt.

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