Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our trip to Dallas

We loaded up the car and left on Christmas day and we drove and drove and drove! We finally arrived at Ben, Debbie and Chloe's on December 26th. We were so happy to get out of the car! It was such a long drive, but it was worth it to spend time with the family. The girls loved playing with Chloe and being able to see her baby sister Emerson. Here are a few of the fun things we did in Dallas.

Bounce house.

We got out so many of our wiggles at this giant bounce house place. The girls ran from one slide to another until they were so worn out. It was so much fun and even the adults got to play. Ben, Jeff and myself had lots of fun trying to keep up with the girls.

This one is a giant octopus swallowing a pirate ship. It was gigantic!!!
Here is a very blurry Jeff sliding after a blurry Sydnie. My camera just couldn't focus on the flying objects coming at me!!!

A tired Jeff at the bottom of the slide. The adults didn't recover as fast as the kids......

Chloe giggled the whole time we were there. She did a great job of keeping up with Sydnie and Peyton.

A very blurry Peyton. She would get "air" on most of the slides. She was the "craziest" of the girls.

She was so worn out!!!

We went shopping for souvenir's one day. Peyton insisted that I took a picture of this armadillo (after I promised it wasn't real and wasn't dead!)

Sydnie found her inner cow girl in Texas. She loved to say howdy y'all! And she had to try on all of the cowboy hats in the store.

Everything's bigger in Texas!!!!!

Chloe and Sydnie getting ready to go. They were getting beautiful before we went to the movies.

Simply beautiful..... What will they be like when they are teenagers!!!!!

Sydie taking Chloe for a ride in an ice cream truck.

The three amigo's going to see Alvin and the Chipmunk's the squeakquel.

Baby Emerson arrived 12/28/09. She was 8 lbs 7 ounces and was just precious! Here are a few pictures from the hospital. Everyone was so fascinated by her (including me)!!!

Peyton holding her new cousin.

Sydnie wanted to hold her every chance she could get. I'm pretty sure she wanted to bring her home with us.
Chloe snuggling her mommy.
The proud (tired) parents.

Chloe with her mommy and new baby sister. She was so sweet with her. She kept telling us she could hear her baby sister calling her before we took her to the hospital. Oh, she is a sweetheart, I was ready to take Chloe home with us!!!
We had so much fun in Dallas and we were sad to leave. We hope Ben, Debbie and Chloe are enjoying Emerson. We're hoping Emerson is letting them all get some sleep. :-) Congrats Werrett's!!!

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