When I picked up Sydnie from school today she was not wearing the same shirt I dropped her off in this morning. I found this note in her folder when we got home from school.....
Sydnie was a bit chatty this morning. She needs some reminders to calm down. After lunch, I went to see why she had not finished her assignment. She had not even started. I was unbelievably shocked when I found the reason why. She had been redesigning her clothing. You will find her art work in a bag in her backpack. We had another talk about the proper use of scissors. She was moved to yellow and has lost the use of her scissors tomorrow. You might want to keep her shirt. It could be worth $$$ someday when she becomes a famous designer. You might be able to pick up an iron on to put oer the hole to save the shirt. Yikes, Mrs. Wason
This is what I found in her backpack..... At least her teacher found some humor in it. And the reason this was "another" talk is because Sydnie cut a small piece of her hair one day at school before Winter break. I put a red paper inside her shirt to show off her designer skills.
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