Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Peyton's birthday at school

Peyton got to celebrate her birthday a little early. Because she has a summer birthday her teacher let her (and all the other summer birthdays) bring treats to school during the last two weeks of the year. This is her 2nd grade class.
This is our favorite teacher ever!!!! Mrs. Thomas has been so great this year.

Katelyn and Peyton. She is one of Peyton's best friends. She also moved to our new area and will be going to Peyton's new elementary in the fall. We are so excited that she'll already know someone.

Sydnie got to come along and share in the birthday treats. MMMM, chocolate cupcakes!

The birthday girl in her very large birthday crown. Of course we had to have pink cupcakes to bring to school for the girls and white ones for the boys, and half had to be chocolate and half were vanilla so everyone could choose which they liked best. Lucky for me Sam's Club had just what we needed. All treats entering the schools these days must be store bought which takes all the pressure off of me! :-)

1 comment:

Dewerrett said...

Okay, I love the I love NY shirt. She has her aunt Kristy's style for sure! It's awesome.