Friday, March 26, 2010

A night to remember.....

Tonight was the daddy daughter dance at the girls school. Sydnie was a little bit hesitant, but Peyton was so excited! Once Sydnie found a "fancy" dress to wear and we got out the make-up (a little blush and lip gloss), she was ready to hit the dance floor in style!

My beautiful Sydnie. Our silly girls. They couldn't wait to go. They were ready 2 hours before it started and kept asking, is it time to go yeeeettt?

Sassy Peyton.

The dad with his beautiful daughters.

I had to add this one because I loved Sydnie's little pointed toe. The girls are always posing. :-)

Peyton couldn't wait to start finding all of her friends to see what they were wearing. All the girls had talked about their dresses at school. Here is Peyton with her friend Jaqueline.

The entrance to the dance was "walking the red carpet". Peyton was about 3 steps ahead of Jeff and Sydnie, she just couldn't wait to get inside to chat with friends.

Walking the red carpet in style.
What a fun night for the girls and Jeff! They were all so adorable. It was so fun to see the girls so excited to get dressed up and to find friends to chat with and twirl around in their dresses together. So much fun!

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