Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hawaii & Peyton's b-day

Here are some of our pictures from our summer trip to Hawaii. We were there for Peyton's 9th birthday and she had so much fun! Looking at these pictures I'm ready to go back! :-)

Peyton couldn't wait to buy a grass skirt and a coconut bra. Isn't she so cute!

Birthday presents in Hawaii from Grandma Judy.
A Webkinz groundhog that she named "digger".

A pink google (I have no idea what that is some cross between a duck and a platypus).

And a new Zhu Zhu pet to add to her collection.

This is the beach that was across the street from our condo. We spent lots of time here.

I loved this beach!

Peyton loved the ocean. The water was so warm.

Sydnie loved the sand. She loved digging in it and rolling in it. It took weeks to wash it out of everything!

Peyton tried to boogie board.

So did Sydnie. She liked being pulled around on it.

A very, very, very sun burned Peyton. OUCH!!!! She wasn't allowed out of the condo the rest of the trip without sunglasses and a huge hat.
We stopped to look at these beautiful parrots on the side of the road on our drive to Hana.

The man who owns them would let you pose with them and he would take your picture. The catch was you had to pay him $20 to get your camera back.......

Peyton loved the birds.
This is how she was supposed to pose, but the birds claws were too sharp and hurt her healing sunburn. So, I got to pose with all of them instead.

There are so many beautiful plants and so much green everywhere you look on this spectacular drive.

We went for a short hike. Sydnie had gotten something in her eye the day before and wouldn't take the wash cloth off her face.

Peyton and Jeff hiked up to a waterfall.

This was our drive up to the volcano. It feels like you are at the top of the world. You are so high that you are above the clouds. Isn't Peyton stylish in her shorts and jacket. It is freezing at the top.

Sydnie and I on top of the world.

Jeff and Peyton above the clouds.

Driving down the mountain into the clouds.

A very sad Sydnie in the waiting room at the urgent care clinic. She wouldn't let us look to see what was in her eye, so we had to take her in. She had been complaining about it for 2 days at this point. After a very loud, traumatic visit and the doctor not being able to find what was in her eye, we left with ointment and an eye patch. She was much happier.

Waiting for the Luau to start.

Peyton learning to hula at the Luau. She was so cute.

The girls loved all of the beautiful flowers all over the island.

My beautiful girls.
More colorful plants. The purple ones were my favorite.

We loved watching the sunset on the beach.

So many beautiful sites to see.

The Tiki at the pool at our condo. At the airport on our last day. We had to find ways to entertain ourselves while waiting for 6 hours for our flight.
Sydnie with her dolphin and her neck pillow for the flight home.
Peyton wore her neck pillow around the airport most of the time.

Peyton found this plant while we were waiting that had leaves as big as she is. She couldn't believe it!

When we got home from Hawaii we had to celebrate Peyton's birthday with friends. These were her treat bags. We decided to go with a Hawaiian theme since we had so much fun on our trip.

She picked out palm trees, shells and a flip flop table cloth to complete her decor.
Mikayla, Peyton and Abbie. We went to Peter Piper Pizza. This is Sydnie and Abbie riding the miniature merry-go-round.

Peyton and Mikayla playing video games.

Peyton and Mikayla playing air hockey.

Then it was off to the movie theatre to see Ramona and Beezus. A very cute movie.

Melted cupcakes..... This is what happens when you leave the cupcakes in the car at the end of July in Arizona. Ooopps.... Good news, they still taste the same. :-)
Mmmmmm, delicious.
Sydnie's favorite part of the night was picking a whoopie cushion as a prize at the pizza place. She is so funny. She has the best belly laugh when she plays with it. :-)

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