Friday, March 26, 2010

A night to remember.....

Tonight was the daddy daughter dance at the girls school. Sydnie was a little bit hesitant, but Peyton was so excited! Once Sydnie found a "fancy" dress to wear and we got out the make-up (a little blush and lip gloss), she was ready to hit the dance floor in style!

My beautiful Sydnie. Our silly girls. They couldn't wait to go. They were ready 2 hours before it started and kept asking, is it time to go yeeeettt?

Sassy Peyton.

The dad with his beautiful daughters.

I had to add this one because I loved Sydnie's little pointed toe. The girls are always posing. :-)

Peyton couldn't wait to start finding all of her friends to see what they were wearing. All the girls had talked about their dresses at school. Here is Peyton with her friend Jaqueline.

The entrance to the dance was "walking the red carpet". Peyton was about 3 steps ahead of Jeff and Sydnie, she just couldn't wait to get inside to chat with friends.

Walking the red carpet in style.
What a fun night for the girls and Jeff! They were all so adorable. It was so fun to see the girls so excited to get dressed up and to find friends to chat with and twirl around in their dresses together. So much fun!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring break at Disneyland!

The girls started their spring break in Las Vegas with Grandma Vickie and Grandpa Michael. Grandma and Grandpa took them to see the Lion King live on stage and the girls LOVED it. They were so amazed by the costumes and the set, not to mention the singing and dancing. They had a great time. We picked them up on Sunday and told them we were going on an adventure and we would just drive and see where we ended up. It wasn't until Peyton saw signs for Newport Beach that she asked where we were. I asked them where we would find beaches and on their third try they guessed California. They immediately wanted to head to the beach (which was where we were going...). Then it occurred to them that while we were in California we should also make a stop at Disneyland. Jeff and I agreed to take a few days off work and make sure we went to see Mickey and his friends. All of this was planned in advance, but sometimes it's just so much fun to surprise the girls with a spontaneous trip!

The beach.

You can't see Sydnie's face, but trust me, she had a smile from ear to ear! She loved playing in the water and running from the waves! She giggled the whole time we were there. Peyton set off to find the perfect shells.

Sisters on the beach.

Silly girls.....


I love this picture of the three of them searching for shells and walking in the wet sand.

Sydnie just couldn't resist a roll in the sand. She was in heaven!

Day 1:
We met up with Mickey shortly after walking through the main gates.

This trip Sydnie decided she wanted to wait in line at Pixie Hollow to meet Tinkerbell and her friends. So, while Jeff and Peyton headed off to ride the "big" rides, Syd and I waited and waited......

There were lots of cute little fairy things to look at along the way while we stood in line.

You walk in and the grass is about 12 feet tall and there are flowers and mushrooms, you feel just like a fairy.

Sydnie was a little tired of waiting at this point, but we were almost there......

Giant flowers loomed above our heads.

And then we came face to face with Silver Mist the water fairy. She was so adorable with Sydnie and talked and talked to her while we waited to see Tink. She was my favorite. Sydnie was THRILLED!!!

So cute!

Then we rounded the corner and there was Tinkerbell and Terrance. Sydnie was so excited! They were a little quicker to get us through the line, but Sydnie was so happy she got to see some of the fairies while we were there. It was worth the wait!

Of course, in true Disney fashion they herd you right out through a gift shop area after meeting the fairies, so of course we had to have a Tinkerbell souvenir!

We finally convinced Peyton to come ride a couple of the "kid" rides so we could spend some time together as a family. Here they are getting ready for Mr. Toad's wild ride.
Later that night we went for a soak in the hot tub. On our way back to the room Sydnie fell getting out of the elevator and went face first into the carpet. She ended up with a fat lip and a skinned chin. It was touch and go for a few minutes, but once we got the bleeding stopped she decided she would live to see another day.

Day 2:
Sydnie in front of Boo's door as we waited in line for the Monsters Inc. ride.

Peyton and Sydnie with Chip and Dale. They were very silly.

This is where Peyton spent most of her time on the BIG rides. This is also the reason I don't have many pictures of her. She loves anything that is fast and crazy! And although Jeff spent most of the time riding them with her, I did take a turn on a few of them. This is California Screamin' and believe me, you SCREAM!!!!!

Hang on!!!
Here we are waiting for the parade. We were right on Main street on the front row.

More waiting....
A little silliness.....
And finally.... the parade started. Our camera isn't the best in the dark, but this is Mickey shaking his bootie.

And Minnie joining in.....
Then the girls got to go out and join the parade party. They had a blast!
Day 3:
Finally, we found the princesses. Sydnie and I were beginning to think they had left Disneyland, but they were hiding over by It's a Small World. Once again we stood in line, but as you can see from her smile, it was totally worth it!
Sydnie and Jasmine

Sydnie and Sleeping Beauty
Sydnie and Cinderella
We packed a lot into 4 days in California and we came home tired with sore feet, but it was so much fun! Luckily we had a few days to recover and now it's back to school and work tomorrow.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Silly girls.....

Here are a few funny pictures from the past month and some cute conversations too.

Happy feet.....
Sydnie was on the floor reading or coloring or something and she turned over on her tummy and put her feet up behind her. To my surprise there were lots of little smiley faces staring back at me. When I asked her about it she simply replied, her toes and feet were happy and wanted happy faces on them. Well, how can you argue with that? They were the happiest little feet and toes I've ever seen!

Grandma Judy sent these "toe-less" socks because the girls could wear them with flip flops. Sydnie thought she was a fashion diva sporting her swimming suit and flip flop socks. Too funny!

Peyton wore this beautiful creation for crazy sock day during spirit week at school. Yes, the bright pink socks with flip flops and capri's were just lovely! Everyone in her class wanted to know where she bought her socks. Too bad, they were in her stocking from Santa.

This was also part of crazy hat day. It was a hat she picked up on one of our trips to Disneyland. Goofy as a pirate. :-)

This was Sydnie's choice for a crazy hat. Also a Disneyland pirate hat.

One last shot for the silly girls post..... Peyton saw this package of turkey burger on the counter as I was getting ready to make dinner. She asked if it was cow intestines. I explained that no, it wasn't, it was ground up turkey meat. She said she didn't believe me and that she was sure it had cow intestines in it and she refused to eat dinner that night. Ahhh, you've got to love kids and the things they say!!!!