Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy hearts day!

What is Valentine's day without making a box for school... Peyton had so much fun making hers. The girls loved the bright, shiny pink wrapping paper I found to cover their boxes. Peyton topped hers off with some left over bows from Christmas. She was proud of her creation!

Sydnie's had hearts, a monkey and a butterfly.

Peyton picked groovy, 3D valentines to give to her classmates.
Sydnie couldn't decide so she got Hello Kitty and Princess valentines. She made all the little boys valentines first and then did the girls in her class. She continues to be very boy crazy!!

Grandma Judy sent a package full of Valentine's day goodies. It had socks, stickers, candy, pajama's, Webkinz and cups.

Even Zuri got a valentine's gift in the package. She was so happy!

We made some Valentine chocolates, but I didn't get many pictures between helping the girls and reheating the chocolate. They were very yummy!

Grandma Vickie and Grandpa Michael also sent a Valentine surprise. It had a necklace, bracelet, candy and stickers. We had a very happy hearts day at our house! (By the way, the girls dressed themselves, can you tell....) :-)

1 comment:

Dewerrett said...

I love the pictures. Seriously, is Peyton really Kris' daughter? The valentines were a dead giveaway. Your girls couldn't be more different.