Monday, November 15, 2010

Silly pictures of Sydnie

Sydnie stayed home sick today with a cough and the sniffles. This is how she entertained herself....... Oh the things you can do with a highlighter. It's a good thing she's washable. :-)
Matching toenails. :-)
And a little tattoo completes her artwork for today.

Not from today, but I thought I would share since this one's dedicated to all things "Sydnie". Doesn't she look like she was deep in thought (or really bored) before she fell deep asleep. I love sleeping Sydnie. :-)

So sweet.....

Here are a few photos for Grandma Judy. She bought these dresses for Sydnie over the summer and wanted pictures. However, Sydnie is like me and she only wears dresses when absolutely necessary which means five minutes before church until we walk in the door when we come home. It took me a long time before I was able to grab the camera quick enough to snap a picture.

Such a princess......

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October fun.....

This was Jeff's birthday cake this year. Peyton went with me to the store to pick one out and we couldn't pass up this cute Frankenstein cake! The rest of the month was filled with lots of Halloween fun! Here are some pictures from Peyton's class party. There were lots of treats!!! Her favorite was the mini rice crispy treats.

I got to be in charge of this fun game. We called it, find the eyeballs in the intestines (aka a pot of over cooked spaghetti noodles and ping pong balls colored to look like eyes). The kids LOVED it! It was a really messy game, but they had so much fun.

There was also pumpkin bowling.
More digging through intestines. All the boys wanted to eat some of it. GROSS!!!
Peyton's group was last and the noodles were all in little pieces, but they still loved it.
And here was the really scary part of my visit to Peyton's class! You may have heard about her classroom pet, Lenny who is an Arizona king snake. Let me say he is not venomous and he doesn't bite (or maybe just hasn't yet...), but it still freaked me out watching my daughter have so much fun with this snake! I will admit, I used to love to catch snakes and play with them as a kid, but there is something about watching your own kid with one that made me turn into a squeamish mom!!

Notice all the kids handling Lenny are GIRLS..... Not a single boy had any interest in him at all the entire time they had him out of his cage.Peyton letting Lenny kiss her nose.

Abbie and Megan with Lenny. Did I mention he is over 2 feet long. How appropriate for the kids to play with a snake during the Halloween party. Yikes!!!!
Ok, so I went to Sydnie's party first and I was mother of the year because I left my camera home (yes, I know, gasp, sigh, shake your head). I went back in after Peyton's party and snapped this picture with Sydnie and a few of her friends. There was an angel, a go-go girl and Jessie from Toy Story. Her party was so fun!

Sydnie settling in to have breakfast the morning after our ward Trunk or Treat. It consisted of cinnamon toast and a lot of sugar!
Come on, you have to admit you had candy for breakfast at some point during your childhood after Halloween! I'm sure Nerds, Tootsie rolls, Swedish Fish and Fun Dip is somewhere on the food chart.

Here was our spooky ghost Grandma Judy bought us last year. I had to post a picture for proof that we did actually put it up this year. The girls loved it! I'm not sure how the neighbors felt about it going off randomly in the middle of the night and all during the day. It was only turned on for a couple of days so hopefully I won't get any nasty letters from the HOA.

Peyton decided to be brave this year and help clean out her pumpkin this year. She grumbled and complained for a few minutes, but then she really got into it.

This was Sydnie's response to helping scoop out the "guts". I was also banned from using the word "guts" because it made her want to throw-up!!!!

Silly girl. She actually licked the top of the pumpkin and said it tasted a little like cantaloupe too.

Jeff is always the designated carver at our house. The white pumpkin was much harder to carve than the orange ones. It also had a fruity smell, similar to cantaloupe.

Sydnie's happy pumpkin! Those were her only instructions for Jeff was that it was "happy".

Oh, a cute little witch for Sydnie. I love these pop-ins!!!! They are less messy than carving and so quick!

Peyton's creations...... I'm not sure if this was a bear or a dog.....

Since I wouldn't let Peyton gut and carve this squash, she decided to draw on it instead.

Another on of Peyton's cat pumpkins. I think she had a theme..... :-)

Our family of pumpkins, squash and gourds.....

The sweet and the scary of Halloween.

The vampire was ready to take a bite out of Barbie!


Peyton went for the creepy, scary side of Halloween again this year. She was a "Gothic" vampiress (or at least that's what the costume bag said....). So spooky!

Sydnie ready to hit the streets and collect some candy! She is Barbie from a Fashion Fairytale, but people kept thinking she was Sleeping Beauty. The dress is similar, but Sydnie was simply disgusted that people didn't know who she was!

Trick or treating with friends.... Maddie, Peyton, Abbie, Sydnie and Clay. We had so much FUN!!!

Back to school and Sydnie's birthday

Back to school shopping was so much fun this year. Peyton decided all of her supplies needed to be blue. After a few shopping trips we managed to get all of the items she needed in the required color, just several different shades of blue. Included were pens, scissors, notebooks, folders, a ruler and even a pencil sharpener. The best item that we found that isn't pictured here was blue hand sanitizer! She was so excited.
The blue theme also included her backpack, lunch box and water bottle.
Sydnie continued to be my girlie girl and went for an assortment of items for her back to school shopping. She decided on a LPS lunch box, Tinkerbell backpack and a pink water bottle.

Of course Peyton had to wear a blue outfit for her first day of school. She is getting so big!!!

Sydnie went with a pink Hello Kitty shirt, but was mostly excited about her backpack. :-)

The excitement of the first day of school!

Sydnie was so excited for her birthday to finally get here. It seems like it takes forever between Peyton's birthday and hers (at least to Sydnie). She was excited to turn 6. Oh my, she is growing up!!! We celebrated with chocolate cupcakes.

Mmmmm. My girls LOVE frosting.

Then came lots and lots of presents.

A new set of fairies!

Barbie from a Mermaid Tale.

Grandma Judy always makes sure to send an extra gift for the "non" birthday girl. Peyton got a purple zum-buddy.
An amazing hamster, decked out "Arizona" style with flip flops and sunglasses.

Princess toys.
These were Webkinz of some sort..... There are so many of them!!!! They have taken over my house!


Sisters helping each other open gifts. So cute!

A very happy birthday girl! We love you Sydnie Grace!!!!