Sunday, November 15, 2009


We made a very quick trip to Utah last weekend. We were greeted by cooler temperatures and lots of leaves. We were so excited that there were still some fall leaves for us to enjoy! We arrived at Grandma Judy's a little later than expected (yes, it was dark outside), but we didn't let that stop us from playing in the leaves. We don't have any leaves at home, so we had to take advantage of it while we could.

Grandma had actually blown the leaves into a long, wide strip. However, she let each of the girls take a turn with the leaf blower and that was the end of any sort of pile. The girls did think it was fantastic to scatter the leaves all over. But, you can't jump in them if they aren't piled up. So, we got to work making another pile for our BIG CRUNCH!!!!

The girls are actually very good at raking leaves.
We started with just a little pile, but decided that just wouldn't do.

So, they raked..... and raked.....

then Grandma got the blower out to help.

It was a family affair in the dark.

Finally the girls had a decent size pile.

Almost done.

Ready, set, JUMP......

And that was the BIGGEST CRUNCH ever!!!!! Then the batteries for my camera died and that's all I was able to capture. However, I was picking leaves out of the girls hair for four days. They loved it!!!

While we were visiting Aunt Kristy she took the girls to the Gateway for their annual shopping trip. Each of the girls took $5 and off they went. Peyton chose chap stick and a trick hand buzzer. Sydine on the other hand chose beautiful pink, purple and blue make-up. As you can see she used it very liberally. Isn't she so pretty!

I'm not sure who she's been watching apply make-up, but I have my work cut out for me. I think we'll tell her she has to be 18 before she can start wearing it out of the house. :-)

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