Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July fun!!!!

Here is one of the fun things we did this 4th of July! Our Ward had a breakfast at 6:00 am, yes that's right, in the morning... And yes, we were the first family there (our girls came in to wake us up at 5:00, they didn't want to miss any of the fun!!). Why so early you may ask, well, it was already a nice 90 degrees outside and just a perfectly beautiful morning to go out, eat, be with friends and ride on a fire truck!

Peyton had to be right on top of the fire engine for every ride she took. And I think she went on five or six rides. I'm not sure this is the best moment in my parenting career, but she made it back safe and sound every time and will have such fun memories of this day.

Peyton and friends atop the fire engine.

Sydnie is a little more cautious (she takes after her mother) and she decided to sit safely on the back portion of the engine on top of the fire hoses. She also limited her number of rides to two, she wouldn't want to be too risky!

More of Peyton and friends......

Here comes the engine, returning from one of the many rides and yes, those are children on the top.

The kids thought it was so much fun to have the lights flashing and the horn blaring. No actual sirens, but they thought this was just as good!

Everybody off!

And here was the best part. After some of the rides, they turned on the hose and drenched the kids. It was like a giant sprinkler. I don't know who had more fun, the kids or Bishop Purtymun who had the honor of soaking them. :-)

Very wet kids. If you were in the field, you were soaked! Jeff and I hid under the safety of the pavilion.

And a summer activity here just wouldn't be complete without a snow cone! I think Sydnie has had more snow cones this summer than in her entire life put together.

Jeff had to have one too. :-)
It was a very early start to a long and fun 4th of July here in AZ! Hope you all had a happy and safe Independence Day!

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