Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Captain Snowman Girl!!!!

Let me introduce you to a new member of the super hero's you've all heard of over the years. She is up there with Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman and many other "greats". She is Sydnie Captain Snowman Girl!!!!!

As some of you may remember my Christmas decorations are a theme of snowmen. Sydnie found one of my decorative towels and decided to transform herself into someone new. So for about an hour one day she ran around the house holding this little blue dish towel around her neck yelling about how she was going to save the world. It was the adventures of Captain Snowman Girl!!!! We had to stop to pose for a few shots so everyone could enjoy her imagination.

I'm not sure why she is modeling the cape on her head in this picture, but she insisted that I snap the shot this way. Who am I to argue with a super hero????
She is flexing her muscles and oops, the belly and underpants snuck right into the picture.

Look at the beautiful blue cape. It matches her eyes perfectly! She is a fashion deva as well as a super hero.

And finally as you can see the reason behind the name..... A littl snowman on the bottom of the cape.

Doesn't she command your attention in her bright blue cape. Believe me, if the picture had sound, she would demand your attention!!!! What a cutie!

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