Friday, October 16, 2009

October.... Is it really half way over?

It's half way through October and I'm wondering where the month has gone.... October is the beginning of cooler weather, beautiful leaves, snugly sweaters and slippers, for everyone that doesn't live in Arizona. I miss the leaves and the coolness in the air. I miss turtlenecks and big heavy sweaters. I however am the only one that thinks it is still summer at my house. As you can see, those I live with are feeling like 90 degrees is a big dip in the temp outside. On this night I had just walked the dog, I came home and turned the A/C all the way down to 78 and this was the result...... After about 5 minutes, Jeff got up and turned it back up to 80. Who do I live with????

We're FREEEEEEZING..........

October means spooky decorations at our house. Peyton loves to spread the fake spider webs all over her room. She spent about two hours getting it just perfect.

Wait, is that a dead body among the spider webs. YIKES!!!!!

Sydnie chose the bright green webs this year. She wouldn't touch it, so I got to decorate while she told me where to put it. As you'll see, neither of us had as much patience as Peyton.

One day this month, Sydnie was doing her homework and I left the room for a few minutes. I came back to find her sitting in the middle of the table. I had to snap a picture before I insisted she get back on the chair.

Grandma Judy came for a visit in October too. With her came lots of Halloween decorations. She loves any chance to decorate and bring things for the girls. As you can see our dinning room has been transformed into a very scary place, complete with a bat, a crow and spider webs. EEK!

We also had a visit from the Fall Fairy. She left lots of fall leaves and things for the girls to find. There was candy, spiders, skeletons, stickers and lots of other spooky gifts.

Sydnie and Grandma Judy reading fairy stories.

Our visit to the Rainforest Cafe.

This alligator greets you as you enter.

Grandma Judy, Sydnie, Peyton and a giant frog.

Inside there are all sorts of wild animals. Monkeys swing from the vines.

Elephants watch nearby.

We sat next to a huge fish tank and these were some of the fish we were able to watch as we ate.

Everyone had a great time!

Peyton had a project that Grandpa Michael helped her with. She received Flat Stanley at school and we had to mail him out of state for an adventure. Grandpa Michael and Grandma Vickie took him back to Las Vegas. Grandpa Michael showed Stanley all over Vegas and sent him back with a packet full of pictures and info about all the places they visited. He came back with a helmet, so Peyton decided to draw a motorcycle for him to sit on. We had to put it all on a poster board to send it to school. Thanks so much Grandpa for helping (ok pretty much doing) with this project!!!! Peyton was so excited to take Stanley to school and show everyone about his adventures in Las Vegas. Grandpa even included a picture of Chloe's Flat Stanley from another trip in Texas. We had to add that to the poster too.

For some reason Fall brings out the baker in me. I love to have my house smell like bread or cookies. Today we decided to make banana bread. Each of the girls got to make their own loaf. Sydnie got to go first and Peyton was the photographer.
She was very serious about greasing the pan.

Measuring the flour.....
mashing the bananas,

ready for the oven.

She takes baking very seriously...... Look at that masterpiece.

Then it was Peyton's turn mix hers together and Sydnie got to take some pictures. Mashing up the bananas.
Scraping it into the bowl.

And one last "special" ingredient. Anytime she can add chocolate she will. She added just a few chocolate chips. Yummy!!!!

Of course she had to mix the chocolate chips in with her fingers. :-)

That's been our month so far. We are so excited for Halloween and class parties. Sydnie has a field trip next week and of course, Jeff's birthday. Wow, what a busy month this will be!

Friday, October 2, 2009

More random photos and stories....

We LOVE to receive packages in the mail! The anticipation just about kills us every time waiting to see what could possibly be inside the box this time. It is always so much fun to watch the girls open something they've received in the mail. This time it was a package from Grandma Vickie and Grandpa Michael with Halloween shirts in it. They couldn't wait to wear them to school today! THANK YOU!!!

This is our adorable, sweet and sometimes naughty puppy. This is usually the worst trouble she gets into. For the most part she is really pretty mellow. However, this time I caught her in the act.....

She loves socks. If the girls leave them lying around (which they always do) she scoops them up and carries them around in her mouth for hours. She'll put two or three at a time in her mouth and just carry them around. She doesn't chew on them or try to destroy them, she just likes to steal them.

I think she had 3 of Peyton's bright pink ones on this occasion. Silly Zuri.

We've been in our house for six months now. Where has the time gone? We've actually been in Arizona for one year now. We finally gave in and bought a table for the dining room area. It's just been a big open space for six months and it's right as you walk in the door. It's good to have something there now. I thought I'd share with all of you who won't make it down to see it for awhile. :-) Zuri had to be in the picture too.

Most of the time I'm pretty strict about keeping things neat and orderly and jumping on the bed is almost always forbidden. However, on this day, we yanked the mattresses off the beds and the girls put on a "jumping" show. Seriously, where do they come up with these ideas? They dressed up in very bright skirts (over their pajama's) and off they went.

I love it when they play together nicely......

Look at Sydnie, she could jump the highest every time!

Here was Peyton's trick. One......



Taa duh......

A very tired Sydnie.