Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our week in review.....

Peyton started singing lessons again. Oh my, what was I thinking??? This year she has a different teacher since we are in a different area. This teacher seems much more on top of things and structured. Peyton came home with homework from her first lesson. Ok, she just has to look up and write the definition of performance, but still, it's homework.

She came right home and showed me her breathing exercises. She has to lay down and put a lightweight object (the tape dispenser was her object of choice) on her midsection and then make la, la, la, la sounds and see if the object goes up and down. If it does, she's doing it correctly and breathing with her diaphragm instead of just her chest.
Here is her notebook to write down her homework and make notes about the songs they are learning. Her group should have several performances throughout the next few months. They are even going to try out as a group to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event (not sure which one yet...). Peyton is hoping she'll get to be on TV. She has big dreams of being a star!
Peyton is learning to write cursive at school. She learns three or four new letters every day and she comes home so excited to practice them. She is getting so big!!!!

This week Sydnie is learning about the letter "E" at school. She came home on Tuesday with this beautiful elephant hat/mask. It was great until she put it over her eyes and ran into the wall. That was the end of playing elephant.....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Peyton's baptism weekend

Peyton was baptized over Labor Day weekend. We were so fortunate to have family and friends come down to take part in her special day. Here is the beautiful little girl before leaving for the church. We searched high and low to find a "modest" white dress for the occasion.
Jeff and Peyton


Silly girls

Jeff and Peyton in their white clothing for the baptism. Peyton wanted to take it home. Sydnie called it the ugly outfit. They are so different. :-)

Our good friend Brooklyn with Peyton

When we arrived at the Stake Center we were surprised to see Maya a little girl from Peyton's school class last year was getting baptized too. She is in our Stake and they hadn't see each other since school ended last year.

Peyton with Ashley one of her friends from church and school.

All of the kids who were here for the weekend. Chloe, Peyton, Brooklyn, Sydnie, McKell and Jaxson.

Daddy and daughter

Our family

Our family plus Chloe. She seemed to adopt me as her new friend over the weekend. Anytime Deb and Ben want to send her my way she is welcome. The offer expires when she turns 13. :-)

Me, Grandma Judy, Peyton and Sydnie

After the baptism we came back to our house for a barbecue and then we took the kids to the pool. It was a cool day, so Brenda and I talked while the kids froze in the pool.
Brooklyn, Sydnie and Mckell

Jaxson, Peyton, Brooklyn and McKell playing in the fountains.

Brooklyn and McKell

Peyton and McKell

Good friends......

Chloe and Sydnie sharing a moment on the couch. Such silly girls.....

Chloe cookin dinner for her mommy.

Dizzy little girls.....

POPCORN!!!!! It's funny how a popcorn maker captivates little kids (and Jeff)....

We had a great weekend filled with family and friends, lots of noise and love. Thanks to everyone who traveled here to be with us for this special occasion!