Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ok, so I'm really behind!!!

Ok, so I thought this would be a great way to keep friends and family up to date on our lives here in AZ. It turns out, I'm really bad at keeping this updated. I take the pictures, but then I wait forever to put them on here. It's very similar to my scrapbooking, which is even further behind than this. Anyway, here is some of what we've been up to over the past few months. I still need to add Easter pictures. I promise, I'll get to those before the next major holiday rolls around!

Misc. photos

Playing at the park in our new neighborhood. It's one of our favorite things to do!

Jeff and Sydnie swinging. I'm not sure who is having more fun.....

Peyton trying to scare her mother by hanging upside down while swinging.

I think Sydnie would live on the swings if we would let her!

Peyton's singing performance. The pictures don't do this justice. It was the cutest, most hysterical experience of our lives so far with children. Peyton really knows how to belt it out with the best of them. Look out American Idol, she'll be headed your way in a few years!

Singing "Here comes the sun"......

Peyton and her teacher Amanda.

Jeff and Peyton going to the daddy daughter dance at Peyton's school. She had so much fun and was so excited to go.

Oh so cute!!!

Grandma Judy visits Arizona

Grandma Judy came to visit in March and here are a few of our adventures while she was here.

In our last neighborhood we would always see the hot air balloons from the back yard. On this day they were rising right out of our neighborhood park. They were so close you could hear them. Grandma Judy and the girls thought this was so much fun.

They were coming up right over the roof tops.

Grandma Judy had the Spring Fairy come while she was here to do a "spring hunt" since she wouldn't be here for Easter. The girls had a great time. Although Peyton was very skeptical about the Spring Fairy being real. She enjoyed finding the goodies, but was sure Grandma Judy had made it all up.

Hunting for treasures.

It was fun finding chalk, pet shops, bubbles, lizards and lots of other goodies. The Spring Fairy left more than the Easter bunny!!! :-)

Our trip to the zoo and aquarium. Peyton and Sydnie were waiting for the boat to pick us up and take us for a ride.

Our ride on the train.

It was very hot as you can see from Peyton's flushed cheeks. Both the girls had to bring their bunny ears along that the Spring Fairy had left that morning. It made them very easy to keep track of.

Oh, she is my daughter! Grandma Judy wanted a cute picture, but Sydnie had something else in mind.

A trip to the zoo wouldn't be complete without a ride on the merry go round!!! Peyton chose to ride a dinosaur.

Sydnie went for the classic horse.

This was the coolest part of the zoo. Peyton could have stayed here for days feeding the giraffes. They have the longest tongues ever! YUCK!!!!

This was one of the babies. He was just tall enough to grab the pellets that had landed on the fence.

Look at that tongue!

St Patrick's Day

This is how St Patty's day ended with green fettuccine. It was good if you didn't look at it while you were eating it. Some things aren't supposed to be green!

All done decorating our cupcakes.
Sydnie decorating cupcakes.

We love any excuse to make yummy sugar filled treats!

That sneaky leprechaun turned half of our cup cakes green while they were in the oven. How did he get in there?

We woke up to green milk in the fridge. This was a new joke that started last year and the girls couldn't wait to get up and check the fridge to see if we had been tricked again!

Sydnie's fieldtrip to the ice rink

Cookies and hot chocolate after skating.

Sydnie waiting for another ride.....

Miss Shawna taking Sydnie for a ride on the ice. This was Sydnie's favorite part of ice skating. She liked to sit and have everyone else do the work.

Sydnie throwing snow at Sierra. Yep, that's my girl, picking on someone half her size. Not to mention it's her teachers daughter. :-)

This is how we did snow in Arizona this winter. The kids had so much fun playing in it at the ice rink. It was the only time Sydnie wore her gloves all winter.

Sydnie and a very grumpy Abby warming the bench at the ice rink.

Dane, Brody, Jothan, Sydnie and Marin getting instructions on how to ice skate.

Sydnie and Jothan getting ready to ice skate.